Friday, September 11, 2009

Why Non Rock Star? Why Brave?

What is a non Rock Star?'s me and if by some random chance the world thinks of me as a rock star, well I wanna keep my current status. Because in my twenties I thought that was the ultimate goal for a musician. Hell..I went to Berklee I should be a rock star...right? I gauged my self value on whether I was getting closer to the goal of becoming like my idols... Pete Townsend, Jim Morrison, Roger Waters, Alice Cooper. In reality I was just drunk and idle (pun intended). So I've gotten rid of those dead dreams and I'm following my bliss which is what attracted me to music in the first place...sheer bliss.
So what am I? First and foremost I'm a husband to a wife who supports my music with all her heart and a daddy to two amazing daughters that give me so much love and that share in my love of music. I'm a singer/songwriter/musician/producer/recording engineer/musician/poet (maybe). For the past five years I have received so much love from being true to myself. I have an audience that "get" my songs and give back with words of heart felt appreciation. I have a studio business now filled with singer/songwriters and bands that need me to do for them what I love to do. AND I make a living at it! So do I want to go on tour and live a life a debauchery?weeellll...nahhh . Although I have faith in a higher power now that continues to surprise me and guide me into places where I belong. So if a tour comes along I'm sure it will be with like minded people for something good.
So..why brave?
Because I've surrendered-I've taken the road less travelled. I remember the last real job I had making drumsticks back in 92. All I did at that job was try to construct a plan that would get me OUT of there. So I decided I would teach drums, get more gigs, play weddings, whatever it took not to be at that dead end ground hog day job. In other words it was my first step in following my bliss into the great unknown. I'm still taking steps now and at times it's still really scary because when it's slow, I have to invent ways of making money. I have spent many days freaking out in the past. But it's still working after 18 years. I also consider myself brave because I decided to get married and raise a family and believe I can do it all...brave indeed...but you know what? It's working. It's all one gig to me. I write songs about my kids my wife my personal struggles..I include it all. To me that is the most potent kind of art there is.

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